Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Smoking Among Teenagers Essay Example

Smoking Among Teenagers Essay Example Smoking Among Teenagers Paper Smoking Among Teenagers Paper Smoking has become one of the fast favorites in habits among the teenage populations in the UK. This increase in the smoking among this age group is becoming an area of attention as well as concern, as many of the smokers develop their habits at adolescent years. While campaigns to reduce smoking have been successful in the early stages of education in teenagers, it has suddenly dipped low with regards to its effectiveness when the same group ages by two or three years.(BBC, 2004) The trend of smoking has begun to reduce in the adult population in many areas, however, so has there been an increase in the early uptake of smoking among the teenage population. This is mainly not due to lack of awareness on the teenager’s part. Rather, the concern is the deliberate opting for smoking while knowing the hazards of the condition. The increase in the smoking population in teenagers is found to be in as early stages as 11 to 12 years, where the ratios are 2% of boys and girls each. This percentage however increases dramatically when the same groups grow up to ages of 15 or 16, when smoking is seen to be 16% in girls, almost twice the increase in percentage of boy smokers within the same age group. (BBC, 2004) The percentages of smokers continue to rise, and almost half of the current teenagers will admit to have experimented with smoking at one point or the other. The predilection for sex is slowly decreasing. Where once smoking was considered to be a boys’ problem only, it has fast become an even worse problem among the teenage girls. One in five teenage girls was a smoker according to another survey, whereas one in seven teenage boys was a smoker. There has been an increased use of smoke among young girls when compared to boys, as the ratios clearly indicate stated above. BBC reports state that 31% of the teenage girls aged 15 to16 are smokers. (BBC, 2004) This rate is expected to rise further, which is definitely another area of concern. Among the girls this trend is catching hold for the desire of staying slim. (BMJ, 2006) Another factor that increases the risk of smoking among the teenagers is the socioeconomic status of the person. People of poorer backgrounds are more likely to take up smoking. Victims of physical or sexual abuse often resort to smoking for relief, as well as teenagers suffering from depression. (BMJ, 2006) The effects of smoking on the health of an individual are numerous and detrimental, and now recent studies confirm the effect smoking can have on the eyesight as well. Surveys have shown that supplementing this knowledge to teenagers raises a large concern within them, which is even higher than for issues of stroke or heart disease caused by smoke. (Dickinson, 2007) Â  This is one area that has not been sufficiently brought to public notice. Surveys have shown again and again that lack of awareness is not the issue in the increased uptake of smoking in teenagers. Many of the teenagers are sufficiently aware of the role smoking plays in the development of conditions such as lung cancers, stroke etc. and are also concerned about them. But the continued use of smoke despite this knowledge is an issue that is perplexing to analysts world wide. (Dickinson, 2007) Smoking has been known to cause cancers of the lungs. it is also known to cause carcinomas of the oral cavity, the larynx, the esophagus and the bladder. It also causes coronary artery disease which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Chronic obstructive lung disease is also another complication of smoking. It has shown to complicate matters of reproductive health, and can lead to infertility, preterm delivery, still births and other such gynecological and other obstetric complications. (CDC, 2006) Many aspects have been researched to explain why teenagers smoke or take up smoking. Group acceptance, image projection, rebellion attitude, and adult aspirations are some of the common themes that smoking teenagers try to identify within themselves. The difference of the trend of smoking in adults and teenagers lies in the thinking patterns that prevail at the age. Teenagers want to confirm. For this purpose, they may not reject an idea that is accepted in the group, even while knowing the consequences of a particular action may be negative. This is a different manner for adults who are not so concerned about acceptance issues and instead undertake thinking patterns in their decision making. (TGRW, 1997) In the UK, there is an increased smoking rate among the adolescent females when compared to male counterparts. (Hublet et al, 2006) However, these differences among the genders are still very low when comparing with the adult population statistics. AIMS OF THE STUDY: The study aims to highlight the various issues about teenage smoking among a sample population in the UK. Proper identification of the reasons why smoking is taken up at this particular age will provide insight as to how to alleviate the problem. It aims to ask the teenagers themselves what their perceptions are about smoking and its effects, and how much are they willing to give up the habit. As many of the teenagers are unaware of the untoward health effects of smoking, understanding and estimating their current knowledge can be very helpful in assessing the reasons behind the increased uptake of smoking. It is estimated that by increasing the awareness among the teenagers about the health risks of smoking among the teenagers, their will be an increased interest in quitting smoking or not taking it up altogether.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

List of Elements That Are Nonmetals

List of Elements That Are Nonmetals The nonmetals are a group of elements located on the right side of the periodic table (except for hydrogen, which is on the top left). They are are also known as non-metals. These elements are distinctive in that they typically have low melting and boiling points, dont conduct heat or electricity very well, and tend to have high ionization energies and electronegativity values. They also dont have the shiny metallic appearance associated with the metals. While the metals are malleable and ductile, the nonmetals tend to form brittle solids. The nonmetals tend to gain electrons readily to fill their valence electrons shells, so their atoms often form negative-charged ions. Atoms of these elements have oxidation numbers of /- 4, -3, and -2. List of Nonmetals (Element Group) There are 7 elements that belong to the nonmetals group: Hydrogen (sometimes considered an alkali metal)CarbonNitrogenOxygenPhosphorusSulfurSelenium Although these are the elements in the group nonmetals, there are two additional element groups that could be included, since the halogens and noble gases also are types of nonmetals. List of All Elements That Are Nonmetals So, if we include the nonmetals group, halogens, and noble gases, all of the elements that are nonmetals are: Hydrogen (sometimes)CarbonNitrogenOxygenPhosphorusSulfurSeleniumFluorineChlorineBromineIodineAstatineTennessine (sometimes considered a halogen or metalloid)HeliumNeonArgonKryptonXenonRadonOganesson (possibly behaves as a noble gas, except it wont be a gas under ordinary conditions) Metallic Nonmetals Nonmetals are classified as such based on their properties under ordinary conditions. Metallic character isnt an all-or-nothing property. Carbon, for example, has allotropes that behave more like metals than nonmetals. Sometimes this element is considered to be a metalloid rather than a nonmetal. Hydrogen acts as an alkali metal under extreme pressure. Even oxygen has a metallic form as a solid. Significance of the Nonmetals Element Group Even though there are only 7 elements within the nonmetals group, two of these elements (hydrogen and helium) make up over 99% of the mass of the universe. Nonmetals form more compounds than metals. Living organisms consist mainly of nonmetals.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brand management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Brand management - Assignment Example A mixture of various marketing media is called branding. Branding tends to give an identity and captures the mind of the customers with the name of the brand. Depending on the brand value and the intended target segment, companies of all sizes are increasingly weighing their options whether to promote their marketing campaigns through the social networking sites, since there are high chances of possible dilution of the brand value as well as backlash coming from negative feedback and comments from disgruntled and unhappy consumers (Smith and Zook, 2011, p. 14). So, companies are increasingly taking a much more conscious step in their effort to promote the brands in the minds of today’s tech savvy consumers by the usage of promotion techniques such as website promotion, email marketing and mobile promotions. Brand Image The current outlook of the customers regarding a brand is called brand image. Brand image can be looked upon as the set of beliefs the target customers hold I r espect of a certain brand. Brand image is constructed in the minds of the customers from all sources. Brand image has the potential to convey emotional value. The basis of an image in the mind of customers depends upon the subjective perceptions that the consumers have in respect of some brands. When a consumer decides to purchase a product, he is not purchasing only the product itself but also the brand. It is the image that drives the consumers to buy that brand. The brand communications can help to strengthen the images. There are four steps by which a certain product can create its brand image. Creating a brand image is essential to sustain in the long run. The product must be uniquely valuable and present itself in front of the customers in such a fashion that customer can have a clear idea of the benefits that the product provides. The product should communicate with the customer in such a manner that is easily understandable and easy to remember. Another important step in ord er to create brand image is to differentiate itself from the already existing competitors. The new brand must analyze the key selling points of the competitors. The brand will have to set a new structure of promises to the customer, which it will be able to deliver. In fact, the promises offered by the new brand may become the selling point for the brand. The marketing strategies of the brand should revolve with a central theme. The theme may consist of a single idea, and this will act as the focus in all external communications. The brand that is willing to penetrate into the market must live up to the promises made. So the first and foremost step to penetrate into the market is not to make fake promises which the brand cannot live up to. If the brand fails to fulfill the expectations, then in spite of many attempts, it will not be able to enter the market according to its desires. Brand image is created only when the brand creates and meets the expectations. Brand Salience The pro pensity of the brand to come into the mind of the customers in the situations of buying is regarded as brand salience. It differs from the concept of awareness. It reflects the quality as well as the quantity of the network that buyers hold in their minds. The ability of an item to stand out from its competitors and create its own identity is regarded as the concept of salience. The concept of brand salience has achieved much prominence in the brand

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Movies Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movies - Movie Review Example Heartbreaking in its representation of normal lives affected by political turmoil, this ode to the basic values that subsist even under such harsh circumstances has an impressive gravity that remembers another great historical romance, â€Å"Doctor Zhivago.† While younger audience may find Zhang’s grungy period and classical style backdrop too untrendy to engage, the film’s prosperous melodramatic thrust has opened the gates for a large number of domestic audiences. In additional, the ‘’Coming Home† borrows from the novel â€Å"The Criminal Lu Yanshi† by a Chinese American-based writer Yan Geling. ‘’Coming home† is a real love scenario that captures various ways of love and romance. According to the movie, not even political violence and other infirmities could come in the way of love. The most interesting episode is the moment is the tragic coincidence that begets the two lovers; Feng Wanyu (Gong Li) and Lu Yanshi (Chen Daoming). Lu is arrested and detained in a political prison while his wife is involved in an accident where she sustains serious injuries. This episode is quite interesting as it exhibits the extent to which love can go. In this eposode, not even the prison bars of hospital confinement separate the two lovers. The ‘’Random Harvest† is a 1942 movie that is based on the James Hilton novel of the year 1941. The film, directed by Mervyn LeRoy, modified form the novel for the screen. It received several Academy Award nominations and won several award. The film diverged from the novel in various significant ways, as it proved quite hard to translate it to a film in it totality. It is significant to note that the movie is starred by Ronald Colman as an amnesiac-shell shocked, World War I fighter and Greer Garson as his girlfriend. According to the movie, "John Smith" (Ronald Colman) is a British soldier who was gassed and became shell shocked in the trenches in the course of First World War. He is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Existence Of Computerized Databases Essay Example for Free

The Existence Of Computerized Databases Essay When should patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient? On AMA the patient and physician should be advised about the existence of computerized data both before and information is store http://patient.ezinemark.com/data-collection-in-a-computer-7d2eae229a7f.html website below Data collection in a computer Computerized database collection is commonly known as collection of large amount of data in a computer. The information collected can be organized to enable expansion, updating and retrieving for different uses. The collection of this information is organized in such a way that it can be retrieved in pieces form the organized automated system. In the medical field, the information collected concerning patients, process of treatment and other medical activities that are happening in a given medical facility. 1. Should corrections be dated and time-stamped? Collections are any amendments done on any filed record. In any medical activity, the alteration of any filed procedure may cause severe consequences, therefore, any collection made should be dated and time stamped. This will help in understanding the procedure that was initially followed and the preferred procedure which in turn will even show the time and the date the amendments were done. The dating and stamping time is therefore required incase of any collections. 2. When should the patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient? The patient should be informed of the existence of a computerized database containing their information as soon as possible.his will help the patient in making decision as to whether his information should be disclosed or should remain anonymous. Informing the patient of existence of computerized database will help in safe guarding the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Informing the patients about the existence of the system will avoid any conflict of interest between the patients and the medical practitioners in future. 3. When should the patient be notified of purging of archaic or inaccurate information? Purging[-0] is referred to as clearing of any unwanted information. When such information is noticed in the database, the patient and the medical practitioners should be notified before any action is taken. After their notification, the information should be replaced with accurate information and again they should be notified of the action taken. This will helps in safe guard the right of information in regard to their medical process. 4. When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal? Online information is the information that can accessed through internet regardless of location and the necessity of information to the reader. The patient’s information should only be available online with the consent of the patient and full information has been fully credited by the patient and the concerned physicians. The information should be clear and should not violate any right. This will help in conveying any intended information to any interested party. (Jaeho Barley 2003) 5. When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician? Should the computer service bureau erase any stored record, the information deleted should be verified by the bureau to the physician. The patient and the physician have the right to know any little alteration on any record. This will help in knowing what information has been erased and what significance it has as far as patient’s medical process is concerned. Verification of the erased data will help in fixing or replacing the data with appropriate information. 6. Should individuals and organizations with access to the databases be identified to the patient? The patient has all the rights to know who have an access to his/her information and why. This will for the respect of the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality. The patient has the right to restrict or allow his/her information disclosed to the third party or a court order may all ow or restrict if the patient is not in a position to act. The respect of personal information should be practiced and thus only the involved party has the authority over the information. 7. Does the AMA ethics opinion mention encryption as a technique for security? The computerized data systems have a compromising information security. The AMA opinion is that â€Å"there should be controlled access to the computerized database via security procedures such as encoding, passwords, and other user identification including scan able badges†. Confidentiality agreements should be made with other health-care professionals whom the office networks with. Encryption is recommended if the network entails public channels of communication such as radio waves, telephone wires, and microwaves. This will increase the chances of information confidentiality. (Jerome, 2001), 8. What does the ethics opinion say about disclosure by recipients of authorized data to third parties? According to the ethics opinion, disclosure of confidential medical information from the data base should be limited to the particular purpose for which the information is demanded. Nevertheless, authorized release of medical information to them does not warrant their further disclosure of the data to other individuals or organizations, or consequent use of the data for other reasons. Any person or organization found guilt of this offence; it may be obscured from accessing any further information and could be charged in court for violation of patient’s right to privacy. Reference: Jaeho, L. Barley, M. (2003),Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent Systems: 6th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA, Seoul, Korea, Jerome, C. (2001), Electronic Medical Records: A Guide for Clinicians and Administrators. American College of PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internal Medicine. ACP Press, [-0] http://ezinemark.com/goto.php?url=http://www.uktopessays.com

Thursday, November 14, 2019

E-Retailing: Selling Products on the Web :: Expository Essays Research Papers

E-Retailing: Selling Products on the Web Retail is one of the more visible market sectors on the Web. In retail, merchants sell products and services directly to a buyer. E-retail, also called e-tail, occurs when retailers use the Web to sell their products and services (Sanchez 16). E-retailers constantly challenge the old ways of conducting business as they bring new products and services to market. All e-retailers, however, operate in a similar manner. A customer (consumer) visits an online business at the Web equivalent of a showroom: the electronic storefront. An electronic storefront, also called an online catalog is the Web site where an e-retailer displays its products. 1[1] It contains descriptions, graphics, and sometimes product reviews. After browsing through the merchandise, the customer makes a selection. This activates a second area of the store known as the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a software component on the Web that allows the customer to collect purchases. Items in the cart can be added, deleted, or even saved for a future visit. When ready to complete the sale, the customer proceeds to the checkout. At this time, the customer enters personal and financial data through a secure Internet connection. Then, the e-retailer processes the order and sends it to the fulfillment center where it is packaged and shipped. The e-retailer notifies the bank of the shipment; and payment is sent via electronic channels to the e-retailer. Inventory systems are updated. Shipping information is posted on the Web, so the customer can track the order. The customer typically receives the order a few days after the purchase. (Microsoft Word 2002 Project). E-retailing presents a new way to shop. The store is open 24 hours a day. With a few clicks of the mouse, consumers can compare prices easily. The key rule for purchasing online is the same as for traditional purchases. That is, the best consumer is the best-informed consumer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comparison between Ancient China and Singapore Civilisations

Who am I? I am Aicirt, a time traveller. Recently I travelled to the view life in Ancient China. Was it interesting, you might ask? Indeed it was, which is why, I have decided to compare two aspects of life in the early civilisations with life in Singapore today. My first aspect would be Technology The main difference between the technology in the early civilisations and present day Singapore is that the technology in the early civilisations was not as highly advanced as in Singapore now. Singapore is very much highly advanced in technology than in the early civilisations. An example would be many Singaporeans depend a lot on electronics such as their handphones etc. Whereas in the early civilisations such as the Indus Valley civilisation and Shang civilisation, there was no such things as electronics. In fact, there was no electricity at all! The next example I am giving is that when making goods such as vases and other objects, we currently use machines to make them and design them. On the other hand in the early civilisations, all the objects were made by hand and were intricately designed using bones or sharp stones etc. However, the early civilisations and present day Singapore have something in common with reference to the aspect on technology. The technologies in both the early civilisation and life in Singapore today share the same things which include making tools, weapons and craft objects etc. Even cooking is present in both of them. In both times, the people have always tried to make life better for themselves by trying to different methods to complete their jobs efficiently. The next aspect I will compare is the Transportation. Transportation is a very important aspect to compare. Traveling to the early civilisations made me realise that the people there used little transportation (only small boats) for trading purposes. Other than that, they seldom used transport. In Singapore, transport is used widely. For example, we take buses, cars to work or attend school. Firstly, I have noticed a similarity when I travelled to different early civilisations such as the Shang civilisation. The similarity is that in both the early civilisation life and life in Singapore today, people transport by land and water. Even though, the time gap has a big difference, we both share the same type of transportations. This shows that over time, the type of transportation may have had modifications but the main idea of traveling by land or water did not change. Next, I shall point out a difference in the transportation between present day Singapore and early civilisations. The main difference is the modernization of the transports available in both times. Currently now, we have many different kinds of transportations to choose from. We can take the MRTs, buses, ferries or cars for short or long distances. For much further distances, we can take aeroplanes or ships. However, during the early civilisation life, the types of transport were less and much less modernized. You will probably ask what they are, then. Well, they differ a lot. In the early civilisations, transportation modes only consisted of small boats and perhaps carts driven by larger animals such as bulls or cows. What I admired about the people of the early civilisations I admired the people of the early civilisations for their ability to be open minded to new ideas and the ability of thinking of ideas to improve their lives. They often tried to improve their lives by using their limited technology to allow themselves to complete task with more efficiency. They had determination to complete and overcome everything, every obstacle faced. They always knew and wanted to improve in the way the live, their lifestyle. For example, in the Shang civilisation, the people introduced leisure activities to their lifestyle. They created board games such as chess using stone. I admire them for being resourceful too. The people were able to develop some sort of technology by being able to use harder materials such as stone and metal to create objects so that they were more durable. They could make inscriptions and inscribe or carve on hard objects. This showed that they planned whatever they were going to do before attempting to do this. This is a good skill-planning before embarking on doing. I think I would like to adopt this ability/skill to prevent rash decisions which may result in several mistakes. Planning goes a long way. A quote I heard several times is â€Å"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.† Therefore, the people of the early civilisation were successful as they had steadfast determination and well planning. An example of well planning would be the Indus Valley civilisation. In Mohenjo-daro, a main city of the Indus Valley Civilisation, it was a very well planned city with many public buildings and the world's first complex underground drainage system was there. The people of the early civilisation put in their best even if it seemed unlikely that they would succeed. In conclusion, I admire the early civilisation people for being determined and persevering in doing whatever they do, overcoming obstacles, finding solutions to their problems such as solving the irrigation flood problem etc.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Importance of Leadership in the Organizatio

In every organization, whether small or large-scale, there is an unambiguous need for a leader. This leader is usually the owner or manager of the business but in some instances may also be an employee who possesses the ability to influence the actions of his or her co-workers. Effective leadership generally makes for a successful business organization. Conversely, the absence of, or ineffective use of leadership can have dire consequences on the organization for without leadership, organizations may move too slowly, stagnate, or lose their way. Leadership is defined as â€Å"the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement† (Stogdill, 1950, p. 3). Hogan et al (1994) posit that leadership is persuasion not domination, and so true leadership only occurs when others willingly adopt the goals of a group as their own. In a group setting, the individuals who make up the group all have different experiences, values, beliefs and needs. As such, they all have unique views of the world and will support differing ideas. The role of the leader in these instances is to point the individuals of the group in the same direction and harness their efforts jointly. The leader must ensure that each member of the group has an equal opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas. Therefore, a successful and effective leader must be patient and open-minded. If employees perceive that the leader is being unfair or biased, conflict will arise as they (the employees) react to the perceived injustices. It is important to note that the positions of manager and leader are entirely different. Leaders develop visions and drive changes while managers monitor progress and solve problems (Zalenik, 1977). However, sound leadership is a key skill which all managers should possess. A manager can not effectively perform his duties without the ability to lead the individuals in the organization. A leader must be someone respected and looked up to by those in the organization. Thus, the employees will freely follow the path charted by the leader in order to achieve organizational goals. Moreover, a well-liked leader usually means that employees are satisfied with their job environment and are therefore more motivated and determined to see a task or project through to the end. Employees who feel appreciated in the organization usually display a higher quality of work and also higher levels of productivity are also associated with workers who favour their leader. On the other hand, ineffective leadership can result in reduced motivation and dissatisfaction of employees. Unclearly defined goals and an unsatisfactory work environment, symptoms of improper leadership result in frustrated workers which will eventually result in workers exiting the workplace or neglecting their duties. As a result the output efficiency of the organization suffers and its yield will decline.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Benina Brave New World Essay Example

Benina Brave New World Essay Example Benina Brave New World Paper Benina Brave New World Paper Essay Topic: Brave New World Linda and Lenina Comparison in Brave New World It’s shocking how two people from different societies can be both similar and different at the same time. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Linda and Lenina are two such characters. Each of them have their own characteristics which make them unique, but they also have separate characteristics. The three ways in which Lenina and Linda can be compared would be physically, intelligently, and emotionally. First of all, Lenina’s physical characteristics help distinguish her type of character. Lenina is a typical woman in the new world, and she has all the characteristics that describe her as pneumatic. Lenina is a particularly attractive female since many men in the society seem to be attracted to her. Even the Arch-Community-Songster of Canterbury is attracted to Lenina. â€Å"‘Lenina my dear,’ he called in another tone. ‘come with me,’†(Huxley 176). This quote shows that Lenina is able to get any guy to want her, even members of higher classes. For instance, she’s able to get Henry Foster, an Alpha, to have her as well. Overall, Lenina is a very attractive woman who uses her assets to her advantage. In comparison, Linda also has some interesting characteristics that help distinguish her character. Linda, is very different from Lenina being described as a not very appealing character. â€Å"†¦Two of the front teeth were missing†¦And all the lines in her face, the flabbiness, the wrinkles. And the sagging cheeks†¦the bulge of the woman’s stomach and simply reeked of that beastly stuff,†(118-119). With this description given, it can be obvious that Linda would not fit in in the new world society looking the way she does. She would not fit in with everyone else with the way that she looked making her an outcast in the society. Linda, at one point, looked like Lenina in the civilization. After all, Linda was a Beta before she came to the reservation so she most likely looked at least a little like Lenina. Linda and Lenina seem to have more differences in their physical appearance rather than similarities. Another area that can be compared would be Lenina’s and Linda’s intellectual ability. Lenina falls into the stereotypical person from the society. She constantly repeats many of the hypnop? dic phrases that she was conditioned to know. For instance, when she is having her conversation with Henry about the Epsilons she states, â€Å"I suppose Epsilons don’t really mind being Epsilons†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and then after a bit of explanation, â€Å"†¦Everybody’s happy now,† (74-75). This shows that even though a little thought was put into what she said, Lenina still uses her hypnop? dic training as a basis for everything. Another example of this is when she continuously repeats, â€Å"A gramme is better than a damn,† (116). This is one of the hypnop? dic thoughts that are popular amongst everyone and seem to be a reaction when the word damn is used. So while Lenina can think for herself and make her own ideas about things, the hypnop? dic suggestions provide a basis for her actions that she makes throughout the story like taking soma whenever she’s bored and when she wants to get away. On the other hand, Linda’s intellectual ability is on an entirely different scale, for the most part. Linda began with all the same hypnop? ic suggestions as Lenina but her life in the reservation caused her to lose some of that knowledge. Linda was able to adapt to the life in the reservation. When Linda is talking to Lenina about cleanliness and when she first arrived she mentions, â€Å"But of course they didn’t understand. How should they? And in the end I suppose I got used to it,† (121). This quote is significant because it proves that people from the new world are able to adapt to another society if it’s the only way to survive, just like how Linda adapted to not having any soma in the reservation. Even though Linda adapted partially to the society in the reservation, she still tried to live as though the rules of the new world applied to the reservation. An example of that was when she tried to sleep with all the men in the reservation as though the same rules of the new world applied there. Linda is a character who knows what goes on outside the new world but wishes that she didn’t. Lenina has her general basis on how to live through the hypnop? dic suggestions, while Linda uses the things she learned in the society and what she learned from the reservation. Finally, Lenina and Linda can be compared through their emotions and how they act with them. Lenina is a strange character when it comes to looking at her with emotions. Normally, in the society, people are not to have any attachment to someone, but this is not evident with Lenina. There is a significant moment where Lenina shows possible affection towards another person, with Henry Foster. Lenina begins showing some affection towards Henry when she talks about him to Fanny. â€Å"Lenina blushed scarlet; but her eyes, the tone of her voice remained defiant. No, there hasn’t been any one else,’† (40). This begins to show that Lenina is different than the other people of the new world because she has only been having one guy instead of the typical many as the society usually has it. Lenina has shown many other emotions towards other people such as John or Bernard as well. That’s evident when Lenina brings John to go see a film and when she goes with Bernard to the reservation. Similarly, Linda also shows some emotions towards certain people as well, such as with John. Some of these emotions show love and compassion, while other emotions show hatred and grief. Linda seems to be very confused with her emotions towards John because of the fact that she cannot decide whether to hate or love John. â€Å"‘Little beast! ’ she pulled down his arm; his face was uncovered†¦He tried to smile at her. Suddenly she put her arms around him and kissed him again and again,† (127). That is a perfect example of how Linda is confused about how she should act towards John; one moment she’s aggravated and annoyed with him and the next moment she’s a loving mother figure. Both Linda and Lenina are very emotional when it comes to certain people in the society. To summarize, Linda and Lenina both have similarities and differences when it comes to physical features, intelligence, and emotions towards others. These areas allow for the comparison of both Linda and Lenina. While some parts show more similarities and differences than others, overall, Linda and Lenina are both two very different people. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Brothers Publishers, 1932. Page #s, 74-75, 116, 118-119, 121, 127, 176

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Authors Start local with your book promotion

Authors Start local with your book promotion "Start Local With Your Books" - An Interview With Hattie Edmonds â€Å"Start local†. This is more than simple sound advice, it’s almost sort of a philosophy. While we were previously writing on the Reedsy blog about how internet was obliterating territorial rights and boundaries, these obviously still exist to a certain extent. â€Å"Starting local† simply is a matter of acknowledging this fact.The ability to meet people face to face or sit down for a coffee with them means your discussion will be longer remembered. The mere fact of sharing a location with someone creates a common interest, or even empathy.Author publishing has been made possible by Amazon, a company that created a way for authors to (almost) directly have access to millions of readers across the world, at almost no cost. Kobo has also insisted on this vein, offering their Kobo Writing Life authors distribution in over 150 countries. As Joanna Penn sometimes puts it: â€Å"the world is our market†.However, the step between â€Å"having access to millio ns of readers† and â€Å"actually reaching them† is an enormous one. One that can be shortened a lot, though, if those readers are close to you. Literally. This is the whole meaning behind â€Å"starting local†.Today, we’re interviewing Hattie Edmonds, a West London author, who managed to invite her mayor to her first book launch, and have Waterstones throw her a second one. She knows all about making the local approach work for discoverability.An easy one to finish: what has been the most rewarding moment in this whole adventure?Probably the call from the manager at Waterstones, who rang me six days after I had pressed the book into her hand, saying that she loved it and that Waterstones would like to give me a whole window display as well as a second launch. I was nearly sick with excitement!Thank you for your time, Hattie!What do you  personally  think about the â€Å"local approach†? Has it worked for you, or do you prefer concentrating on d iscoverability channels with a broader target market? Do lets us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Serial murderer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Serial murderer - Essay Example He asked her to remain inside and not to move, as he wanted himself to go and save her. When he entered the apartment, he saw dead bodies lying on the left side. Amongst those bodies were nude bodies that seemed to be slashed and were lying there from hours. Towards the door there was another half nude dead body which had slash marks on the breasts and the neck. Kelly found three more bodies lying in one of the bedrooms. Their wrists were bound and all the three bodies were slashed badly on their throats. With each step he took the entire scenario was becoming horrible. Kelly in his 18 month job had never witnessed such a horrible and brutal case. He claimed this area to be one of the safest living places. As he stepped into the second bedroom he found three more bodies scattered around the room. It seemed that no one was alive. Kelly immediately ran after the girl who was on the ledge outside the window and pulled her inside immediately. She was trembling and shaking with fear. After this scene several patrol cars started arriving, Kelly asked one of the officers to take this girl with him while he was securing the situation. According to that girl she used to share the apartment with nursing students at South Chicago Community Hospital. Flanagon was trying his best to get a complete picture of the scenario and asked what has happened to her friends. The 23-year-old Corazon Piezo Amurao, who was saved, told Flanagon that the entire thing started when one young man in his mid 20s knocked the door lat night. He approximately weighted 175 pounds and was wearing a dark waist-length jacket and dark pants. He used his gun to open the door forcefully and entered the apartment. The armed man ordered the girls to give all the money they have. When two of the girls just entered the room and tried to resist and get out of the apartment, he pulled them inside and killed them. All the girls were dead and she was the only