Sunday, March 29, 2020

In the Mind of Psychopaths Essay Example

In the Mind of Psychopaths Essay Ravina Patel 1136613 General Psychology assignment- Wider awareness Pondering on psychopathic traits Aided by brain scans (MRI), scientists have found that psychopaths have significant brain impairments, which are decreased amount of grey matter in the brain responsible for processing empathy, moral reasoning and guilt that clearly affect their ability to feel emotions, and to react to other people’s distress. Also, other studies have linked the amygdala with psychopathic traits as this area is related to aggressive behavior. Abnormalities in other parts of the brain such as the orbitofrontal cortex have also been correlated to psychopathy, as this area is responsible for lying, irresponsibility, and lack of emotion. Brain scans have also shown that psychopaths (with mean, aggressive, rude attitude) have more activity in the part of the brain related to the expectation of rewards. Other than physical brain abnormalities, genes could also be playing a role on psychopathic behavior (monster-like behavior such as merciless killing, torturing, cannibalism, etc. . Psychopaths can also be considered as â€Å"natural born predators† as they tend to sense emotions such as fear accurately. Apart from biology, social upbringing can also be playing a role in psychopath’s lives. In fact, violent upbringing can contribute to psychopathic traits. However, psychopathic traits cannot be explained with simply one factor or another; it is a combination of biological traits, social traits, personal psychology and biochemical traits that are combined to explain psychopathic behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on In the Mind of Psychopaths specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on In the Mind of Psychopaths specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on In the Mind of Psychopaths specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to Dr. Robert Hare, the percentage of psychopaths in Canada goes up to 1% of the total population. One important distinction to make is that psychopaths are not necessarily murderous creatures. In fact, many of them may not even be criminals. However, people with lack of emotions, feelings, remorse or concern for other’s well being do tend to contribute to destroyed lives. Antisocial personality disorder (psychopath) is defined as â€Å"behavior outside any ethical and legal standard of society† (376). As stated in the article, the textbook confirms that the amygdala plays a key role in emotion, especially when it comes to fear and aggression (57,315). In accordance with the article, the textbook’s authors also state that psychopaths feel little distress for others and they see no wrong in their cruel behaviors toward others (376). From Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, morality in the first stages (childhood stages) is based on rewards, punishments and exchange of favors. On the conventional level, morality is based on the adherence of social rules and norms. Lastly, in the postcoventional level, individuals do the difference between what is right and what is wrong, and define morality in terms of social principles (274,275). Psychopaths do not seem to follow this path at all since their judgments are impaired with other brain abnormalities. In agreement with the article, psychopaths are not always criminals. Some may be politicians or even business people. Their impulsive behavior and lack of conscience harm people surrounding them (377). Unlike sane people, psychopaths â€Å"have abnormal low activity in the brain during stress periods† (they do not feel the pressure to perform well or whatsoever) and they have less grey matter in their frontal lobes (responsible for emotion, reasoning, and problem solving (377). In agreement with both the article and the textbook, lack of grey matter in the frontal lobe can also explain psychopath’s manipulative behaviors and impulsive acts. As stated in the article, the nurture environment plays a role in antisocial personality disorder. Abusive upbringing, anything from emotional deprivation to wrong disciplinary rules affects psychopaths (377). They also have low sense of moral development. In fact, they do not have a sharp sense of what is right and what is wrong (276). Killing and causing harm to others may not be considered â€Å"bad† from psychopaths’ judgment. Other people may be just perceived as mere objects of pleasure, or torture. The textbook and the articles basically state the same concepts of brain abnormalities to explain psychopathic behaviors. The amygdala, along with other regions of the brain can explain some cruel behaviors. Similarly, during the early stage of development of the child, some trauma such as violent upbringing can also accentuate violent behavior in the future. I found this article particularly interesting because psychopathic behaviors are not always subject to a lot of discussions. Psychopaths are hidden in society and we tend to live with them, not knowing how they can (or can’t) ruin our lives. Maybe someone close to us may present traits of a psychopath, but we ignore or deny it. I am almost fascinated by their relationship with the rest of humanity. I probably wont ever get over the fact that psychopaths are capable of doing inhuman acts and not find anything wrong to it (such as cannibalism). I used to think that psychopaths had completely different social behaviors, which made them very distinct from other people. Now I know that it is not the case. I can’t tell if someone close-minded, incapable of loving, insincere, impulsive, egocentric and harsh is dangerous or not. At some point, this feeling causes insecurity in its own environment.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Editorial on Obesity Essays

Editorial on Obesity Essays Editorial on Obesity Essay Editorial on Obesity Essay Essay Topic: Editorial Who could have thought that America, one of the greatest superpowers of the world would face its downfall not to another country’s invasion, or a nuclear meltdown of some sorts? Instead we are facing casualties at the hand of terrorist known as Ronald McDonald. Obesity is running rampant in our once fine country, more so than the citizens themselves; and perhaps the worst factor about this epidemic is not the fact that we are losing more and more to obesity, but the fact that we know full and well what is killing our country, and yet we do nothing to prevent further fatassery. Obesity is getting so out of control that it appears that handicap parking spots and electric scooters are beginning to look like the latest fashion trend for hambeasts rather than reserved for the legitimately disabled. The worst part about it is that those blowing up like Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade balloons refuse to accept that it is their own fault and not those flipping the burgers. Countless lawsuits have been filed by blubbering beached whales against fast food chains because there is no surgeon general’s warning that food made exclusively out of grease will make you look like Rosie O’ Donnell. However, is the restaurant chain truly to blame? They most certainly cannot, or else Ronald McDonald’s best friend grimace would have sued the corporation a long time ago for making him such a lard ass. The restaurant chain’s motive, like any corporation, is to make money; and as long as there are hambeasts throwing their money at them, they will welcome it with open arms. Perhaps a restaurant cashier should act in the same way a bartender does when they believe that a patron has had too much to drink in order to prevent the customer from lodging French fries in their arteries? Despite the fact there are no addicting ingredients added to these foods; several thousands of pitiful, pathetic souls have claimed to be â€Å"addicted† to the greasy morsels. As a business tactic, McDonalds should consider selling hypodermic needles filled to capacity with fryer grease, or selling some sort of greasy fast-food version of the nicotine patch, providing a new way for the hambeasts to overdose on fat. The true root of the entire issue really just boils down to the exploitative nature of us as people. When we find something that works for us, or something that we enjoy a great deal, we tend to go a bit overboard; and even when it begins to show adverse effects, we put off looking for a solution until it’s too late (sound familiar, oil tycoons? ). However, this â€Å"human nature† of ours is not entirely evident in those of us who have the amazing ability to put down a fork. Perhaps this is just another example of Darwin’s theory of â€Å"Survival of the Fittest†, and those who are too weak to say no to the side of fries will eventually be weeded out by cardiovascular disease.