Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Harlem by Langston Hughes Essay

Harlem has skillfully summed up the pathos and miseries of black life and its reason for socio-cultural strife in the American caller and history in few lines. It contains the two essential element of any great break up of literature i.e. brevity and comprehensiveness. Langston Hughes takes into account the social preserve of deferred dream and provides a clear allusion that these deferred dreams went off in the form of social unrest and increased hatred between Black and White communities in the mid-fifties and sixties. Langston skillfully uses the symbols of decadence to epitomize the putrefying society and thence suddenly questions about the ultimate outcome.On a broader level, this poem also refers to American Dream that aimed at the attainment of material gains only. This social goal omit the social equity and turned American society into a wasteland. So true dreams got deferred and exploded in the form of civil rights movement and social-political conflicts of 1960s.He u ses sinewy imagery to emphasize the magnitude of decadence that deferred dreams beat with the passage of time. For example raisin de nones a darkened word of mouth that remains constantly exposed to sun. So a deferred dreams feeds on the pathetic beams of social miseries and turns soar. Although on the heighten level the net effect seems negative yet one must keep in approximation that raisin is savory too.So his revolutionary vision was base on a peaceful and progressive world. Langston weaved dreams not only for the common Afro-American folk exclusively also for poets of incoming generations. This dream-maker influenced the future poets to create organize based in their own roots and values. So his dream deferred did not dry up care a raisin in the sun or discharge like a sore but it exploded in a positive by influencing his reader and future writers alike.

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